One Nation?
Italy today is a far younger nation than the cities, towns, villages, customs and cultures that lie within her 301,430km of land. When the winds of nationalism, and Piedmontese guns, blew down the wall of Rome on the 20th of September 1870, the Kingdom of Italy was born.
But it came after many centuries of many great independent states each ruling their own share of the Italian Peninsula. From the Papal States which spanned Central Italy, ruled by the Pope, and the palatial splendour of the Kingdom of Naples to the South,to the artistic flourish of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in the North-West and the maritime magnificence of the Most Serene Republic of Venice, age old rivalries were forged, destructive wars were waged and the Renaissance radiated to all corners of the Western World.
The culture, traditions, languages, rivalries, crafts, foods, beliefs, festivals and creations of all of them live on today in the 20 regions into which the modern Italian State is divided. From the more famous Tuscany, Sicily and Lazio, to the more untouched Molise, Umbria and Valle d'Aosta, we will explore all of them, and take you with us. We will document what we find, see, smell, hear and taste, and record our adventures here. We will speak with people we meet along the way, from all walks of life, and learn from the people who live here, from their own words. This then, is our challenge - to explore, to experience and to exhibit all 20 of the Italian Regions, in 2 Years!
Below you'll find a map of 21st century Italy, with all 20 of the regions. As we discover each, clicking on the shield of each region will take you that region's page, where you can find all of our adventures there grouped together. If you'd like to see the more detailed tracker of exactly where we have been so far, including all cities, towns, villages and hamlets, please see the 'Where we have been page'.